Showing 1 - 9 of 9 Results
Management science and the development of policies: an application in manpower planning by Christoph Haehling von Lanz... ISBN: 9781179083018 List Price: $17.75
Probability Distribution of Future Bad Debt Losses for a Given Portfolio of Accounts Receivable by Haehling Von Lanzenauer, Ch... ISBN: 9781245098526 List Price: $16.75
Optimizing claims fluctuation reserves by Christoph Haehling von Lanz... ISBN: 9781179811994 List Price: $17.75
Optimizing Claims Fluctuation Reserves by Haehling Von Lanzenauer, Ch... ISBN: 9781342052469 List Price: $21.95
Management Science and the Development of Policies: An Application in Manpower Planning by Haehling Von Lanzenauer, Ch... ISBN: 9781342122346 List Price: $21.95
Optimizing Claims Fluctuation Reserves by Haehling Von Lanzenauer, Ch... ISBN: 9781378117033 List Price: $10.95
Management Science and the Development of Policies : An Application in Manpower Planning by Haehling Von Lanzenauer, Ch... ISBN: 9781379084327 List Price: $10.95
The Probability Distribution of Future bad Debt Losses for a Given Portfolio of Accounts Rec... by Haehling Von Lanzenauer, Ch... ISBN: 9781340290948 List Price: $19.95
The Probability Distribution of Future bad Debt Losses for a Given Portfolio of Accounts Rec... by Haehling Von Lanzenauer, Ch... ISBN: 9781377050478 List Price: $9.95